Monday, November 13, 2017

Return from Stepping Back

A sizable amount of time has elapsed since my last posting. In summary, I took a "time-out" from my daily life and re-assessed how and what I was occupying my time with.  The newly-purchased house in 2014 continued to be a money-pit of improvements, as we have striven to make this home EXACTLY what we need for maximum comfort and serviceability. The house's progress may be viewed at the link provided.

Reuniting with old friends from decades ago has been quite a pleasurable endeavor....realizing that time elapsed has turned into decades, and spending time together was something we all desired and longed for.

The election of 2016 through me (and over half of this country) in a tailspin, and the following months have been tough to endure, radically accept, and watch the fallout as it unfolds.  Enough said.

In January of 2016, I started my second book, entitled "Destiny of Detours".  It was published on October 21, 2017, and the press release came out on October 31, 2017.  Underlined links above will take you to the above-described places to read about them.
I authored and published my first book in November 2011. It is a meditation book and titled "Prepare for the Harvest", which may have been mentioned in a previous post.  
I am healthy and happy, and I continue to carry the message for recovery from addiction and mental health issues.  

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