Tuesday, March 17, 2015

Running From....or Rushing Towards ????

After 3.5 years of out-of-control Life's hurtles, I have managed to slow down, disengage, draw some boundaries, and make some "me time".  Sometimes, you just have to stop this world and get off for awhile....or you aren't worthwhile to anyone, let alone good company for yourself.  Or maybe I just began to "get it".  I am learning to separate what is important from what is almost irrelevant.  Everything used to be "urgent". I was making others' mishaps my responsibility and they were not.  Hard lesson to finally get in my 7th decade of life.  Better late than never, but I sure wish that I had gotten this lesson earlier.  I cannot mourn the time-frame.  I refuse to "waste" anymore time crying over spilled milk.

Life is not perfect, and it can be messy at times, but it is becoming a lot more manageable.  I had to try new things out that were suggested to me by others.  I found my own unhappiness with my best thinking, so I was not the one to consult for making my life better, calmer, and richer.  I turned to others who had what I wanted and needed.  I admired how they were handling adversities.

How lucky I am to have a circle of women friends who help keep me on the straight and narrow when I veer off to one side or the other.  I am blessed.

I will be returning to writing on a more regular basis.  I like this activity.  I can share with others and hopefully be entertaining too.  I guess that's the idea with authors.  Hint:  the girl in the picture is rushing towards her purpose in this lifetime.  She's almost there.