Sunday, October 21, 2018

New eBook!

Yes!  "Destiny of Detours' was published in November 1, 2017 in the printed format.  Here is a link to view a summary about this book:  The eBook has been formatted and released as of October 10, 2018.  It may be purchased here: at

Writing this book was quite an undertaking, and I am quite relieved that I can put this to rest.  Please go to my webpage:  It contains other writing of mine throughout my life.

Writers, keep writing.  Readers, keep reading what writers write.

Monday, November 13, 2017

Return from Stepping Back

A sizable amount of time has elapsed since my last posting. In summary, I took a "time-out" from my daily life and re-assessed how and what I was occupying my time with.  The newly-purchased house in 2014 continued to be a money-pit of improvements, as we have striven to make this home EXACTLY what we need for maximum comfort and serviceability. The house's progress may be viewed at the link provided.

Reuniting with old friends from decades ago has been quite a pleasurable endeavor....realizing that time elapsed has turned into decades, and spending time together was something we all desired and longed for.

The election of 2016 through me (and over half of this country) in a tailspin, and the following months have been tough to endure, radically accept, and watch the fallout as it unfolds.  Enough said.

In January of 2016, I started my second book, entitled "Destiny of Detours".  It was published on October 21, 2017, and the press release came out on October 31, 2017.  Underlined links above will take you to the above-described places to read about them.
I authored and published my first book in November 2011. It is a meditation book and titled "Prepare for the Harvest", which may have been mentioned in a previous post.  
I am healthy and happy, and I continue to carry the message for recovery from addiction and mental health issues.  

Tuesday, March 17, 2015

Running From....or Rushing Towards ????

After 3.5 years of out-of-control Life's hurtles, I have managed to slow down, disengage, draw some boundaries, and make some "me time".  Sometimes, you just have to stop this world and get off for awhile....or you aren't worthwhile to anyone, let alone good company for yourself.  Or maybe I just began to "get it".  I am learning to separate what is important from what is almost irrelevant.  Everything used to be "urgent". I was making others' mishaps my responsibility and they were not.  Hard lesson to finally get in my 7th decade of life.  Better late than never, but I sure wish that I had gotten this lesson earlier.  I cannot mourn the time-frame.  I refuse to "waste" anymore time crying over spilled milk.

Life is not perfect, and it can be messy at times, but it is becoming a lot more manageable.  I had to try new things out that were suggested to me by others.  I found my own unhappiness with my best thinking, so I was not the one to consult for making my life better, calmer, and richer.  I turned to others who had what I wanted and needed.  I admired how they were handling adversities.

How lucky I am to have a circle of women friends who help keep me on the straight and narrow when I veer off to one side or the other.  I am blessed.

I will be returning to writing on a more regular basis.  I like this activity.  I can share with others and hopefully be entertaining too.  I guess that's the idea with authors.  Hint:  the girl in the picture is rushing towards her purpose in this lifetime.  She's almost there.

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Still Your Typical Geek

Hi Readers and Writers! I am still here. I have added a lot to both websites, and have created a few more webpages riding off of each of my URL's. I really enjoy this kind of work. Very relaxing. If any of my readers needs a computer person to complete any of a number of projects...I am for hire ! There is not one assignment that I have had to turn down. I am trying to stay on top of new things that come along. I am a freelancer and self-taught, so I do the best that I can. Please view my sites at  Be well.
The Rebel Author

Thursday, June 23, 2005

1st Chapter

This is my 1st posting to this blog. The purpose of this blog is to advertise my personal website: This site was created 2.5 years ago. It has all of my writings on it. I have been writing since the age of 10 - mostly poetry, stories, several are dark, many are light, most are about human emotion, and some essays  that are predominantly about revealing our human condition. I hope you visit often. I add things to it all the time. Thank you for your interest.